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Sustainable Forest Management
Minister of Agriculture of the Czech Republic
Mr Marian Jurečka
and the
Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture of Germany
Mr Christian Schmidt
have the honour to invite you to the
International Conference on
“Integration of Biodiversity Enhancement in Sustainable Forest Management in the framework of the EU Forestry Strategy”
within the framework of the Strategic dialogue between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Czech Republic.
The project Integrate+ of the European Forest Institute provides the scientific basis for this conference (for more details please visit: www.integrateplus.org). The conference will present ongoing cross-boundary work in the important field of integrating nature conservation in forest management and provide the opportunity to discuss further steps at all levels.
The State Enterprise - Forests of the Czech Republic (Lesy České republiky, s.p.) co-organizes the event.
Prague, Czech Republic, 6th October 2016 (start at 8 a.m.) till 7th October 2016 (end at 3:30 p.m.)
Participants are kindly requested to register until 5th September 2016. Use our online form, please.
Please, fill also Hotel reservation form!
Practical information:
Co-organized by:
Event Properties
Event Date | 06.10.2016 8:00 |
Event End Date | 07.10.2016 16:00 |
Registration Start Date | 19.07.2016 |
Capacity | Unlimited |
Cut off date | 23.09.2016 23:55 |
Location | PARKHOTEL Praha |