12th European Forest Pedagogics Congress 2017

Forest pedagogics - adventures between communicating and educating

12. Evropský kongres lesní pedagogiky


12th European Forest Pedagogics Congress 2017 is hosted by Forest Management Institute, Czech Republic at a direction of Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic. The congress is co-organised by Working Group for Forest Pedagogy in Czech Republic. The continuity of the congress is guaranteed by Forest Communicators Network - Subgroup Forest Pedagogics, part of both the UNECE Timber Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry and the FAO European Forestry Commission.

The European Forest Pedagogics Congress is organised annually to provide a platform for the exchange of experiences and for the discussion of currently relevant topics or challenges for forest pedagogy in Europe. The focus of this year’s congress is on challenges and opportunities in Forest Pedagogy as both communication and environmental education and relations between them.

Programme and more information on www.lesnipedagogika.cz/FPcongress.

Czech Forestry Society runs the registration system for the 12th European Forest Pedagogics congress.

Event Properties

Event Date 03.10.2017
Event End Date 06.10.2017
Capacity 170
Registered 142
Available place 28
Cut off date 22.09.2017
Individual Price 200,00€
Orea Resort Devět Skal
Milovy 11, 592 02 Sněžné, Česko
Orea Resort Devět Skal
We are no longer accepting registration for this event
200,00€ 28
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