Czech Forestry Society (CFS) is an independent, non-governmental, non-profit, professional organization.

CFS associates individuals and organizations interested in forestry and nature conservation, individual forest owners and others forestry enthusiasts.

It was founded on 23rd February 1990 but follows more than 150 years long tradition of professional forestry associations existing in the territory of the contemporary CR.

CFS took over activities of former Czechoslovakian Scientific Forestry Society (1956), which was a follower of the Common unity of Czechoslovak foresters – established at 1922 and dismissed by communists in 50’ of 20 century.

It is recognized as the main organization in CR representing the foresters interests; we organize about 20 seminars and two big conferences per year and we participate in enlightenment activities.

CFS is a proud member of the Czech Association of Scientific and Technical Societies and of the Union of European Foresters. We are also participating in the international forestry contest for young people - YPEF.

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